MISS performance at 2009 Guling Street Little Theatre Arts Festival

Net project & live performances

MISS performance at Guling Street Little Theatre in Taipei, Taiwan, in Spring 2009. Between May 29th to 31th the piece will be performed four times as part of the program of the “2009 Guling Street Little Theatre Arts Festival” (2009牯嶺街國際小劇場藝術節) hosted by Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre.

Guling Street Little Theatre (牯嶺街小劇場) is one of the very few theatres in Taiwan characterized as avant-garde, contemporary, experimental, and progressive.

MISS is a live performance including experimental visuals, sound and movement; it is the first collaboration work by the new media artist Chun Chi Wang and theatre director Eunice Maurice. MISS is a story about how modern independent women struggle for life in cultural in -betweens. The project involves the performer, the audience and multi-media, all interacting in a narrative to tell the story. Viewers are encouraged to express their ideas and thoughts by posting the comments on our website. We deliberate upon the "arrangement" of props so that audiences can feel incorporated in the surroundings of crossover features. The question is how, in this framework of multi-media technology, global economy and post-modern idea of identity, how can we make our works more effective art. To broaden the performance effects and reach to more audience, we have set our stage right in the center space of Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre, where four projectors will alternately project images. We aim at a previously unseen theatrical performance to achieve inconceivable visual effects.


《MISS》受邀 2009牯嶺街國際小劇場藝術節演出,將分別在五月29,30,31日四場時段。更多消息請察閱2009牯嶺街國際小劇場藝術節網址: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/gltheatre

《MISS》是一件包含實驗性的視覺,聲音,動態 (Visuals, Sound and Movement) 現場表演,這件作品將是新媒體藝術家王俊琪、舞台劇導演优妮斯‧拉威爾和實驗聲響藝術家劉佩雯以及知名舞者董怡芬首次共同合作。《MISS》試著探討獨立女性如何在夾縫中文化(Culture’s in Between)中生存的經驗故事。這件創作結構是將表演者、觀眾和多媒體影像在現場表演裡來講述故事,是從「故事」作為出發點來陳述。我們將網站上徵求觀眾來傳送他們對於《MISS》的觀點,可以以文字等方式來參與此計畫。在這件作品當中,我們考慮的重點是如何「擺置」並且讓觀眾可以融入所創造的跨領域組合裡。因此如何在多媒體科技、全球化經濟、以及身分認同後現代概念下,讓作品成為一個更有效的藝術形態。為了擴張作品的影響力、同時接觸更多的群眾,我們將設定在這牯嶺街小劇場的空間,將以4台投影機交換投影,企圖達到不同以往的舞台劇場表演,來達到不可思議的視覺效果。

策展人 Curator:吳俊輝 Tony Chun-Hui Wu
辦 Producer:身體氣象館 Body Phase Studio
作 Organisation:牯嶺街國際小劇場 Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre
出 Venue:台北市牯嶺街5巷2號 GLT,2,Lane5, Guling St, Taipei 100 Taiwan



MIss_ live performances photos link